As a church, we’ve committed ourselves to try and do what we can for the environment. Whenever we make changes to the building, we re-use, recycle, and give consideration to the most energy-efficient solution.
We were awarded an A Rocha Eco Church Bronze Award in 2022 and are well on our way towards a Silver Award.
Members of the church are also very active in “Act Now!“, a local group of volunteers from different churches who are working together to make the world a better place. We hosted the Act Now! Eco Conference in 2023 and 2024, which brings together different speakers and workshop leaders to explore how faith and the environment are intertwined.
Hard to Recycle Centre

Like most people, we do our best to recycle at home, but we’ve also realised there are many items that simply aren’t recyclable at the kerb. So we’ve created a new ‘hard to recycle centre’, where you can drop off those difficult items, and we’ll get them to St Nicks Centre for Nature and Green Living, who are able to recycle them.