The History
The community cinema is part of our jubilee scheme. The idea was formed following our survey in 2013 suggested that the people living in our community would warm to the idea of a Community Cinema, running in the church. We have purchased and installed suitable equipment, and are now looking for a small team to make this a reality. A small core team responded to an appeal on the StreetLife website, and we are now expanding our net.
If you want to be a part of this new venture, please be in touch. Details below.
We showed our first film in January 2016, and over 45 people came along – thank you if you were part of that, it gave us the confidence to continue. We now reach the capacity of around 100 each month, and continue to grow in popularity, but continue to need to recruit a team to sustain the program, and keep the refreshments flowing, so please do come forward if you are able to do so.
For the latest information on the cinema and current showings click here
To get involved with the Community Cinema please contact Rev Andy by e-mail or phone.
Phone: 01904 784545
Email: Andy Lindley