Welcome to Acomb Methodist

Pop Up Cafe

We are a busy, community- and family-oriented church, home to lots of activities and a beautiful community garden. Alongside Sunday worship, different community groups and friends offer a wide range of activities within our building during the week.

A Pop-up café runs on Fridays during term time (10am to 1:30pm), and we have a monthly Community Cinema on the first Saturday in the month.

Our Jubilee project, started in 2014, is now complete, with the building of a new Garden Studio which has expanded our community garden and retreat space.

We are the host for an Acomb churches together project called Thursday Tea to Go which supports individuals and groups struggling with the cost of living crisis and mental health providing a hot meal each week.

As well as a new programme of quiet days, meditation spaces, prayer zones and spiritual direction, we are exploring Intergenerational church with our circuit expert, Amy, so look out for new opportunities for whole family worship and engagement.

We are welcoming of all genders, sexualities, neurodiversities, ethnicities and are registered for same-sex weddings. We have a range of theologies, beliefs and opinions, but are united in our desire to be welcoming to all, serving and blessing our city and learning from one another.

All this, and we retain our online Zoom and streamed services for those who can’t make it in person.

Upcoming services (Sundays at 10:30am)

Sunday 9th February – Rev John Hayward will take the service and Holy Communion.

Sunday 16th February – All Age Worship Service

Sunday 23rd February – Worship led by Mark Bevan


Hybrid Zoom on Sunday 10:30am

We offer Sunday worship physically each week, including our intergenerational cafe worship, all age worship and god squad, as well as more traditional styles. We also welcome friends online via Zoom, or sometimes a live stream on our YouTube channel. We are also open for prayer at our sister churches of Holgate (Thursday 10:30 am) and Southlands (Wednesday 2:30 pm), as well as here at Acomb (Sunday 9:15 am). We’d love it if you joined us either physically or virtually for Sunday worship, at 10:30 am each Sunday. To join us online, see the links and information below, or you could join one of the alternate Digital services our group of 30 churches offer online across York. If Sundays aren’t for you, look out for Quiet Days and other events across the week.

You are warmly invited to join us for our Hybrid Zoom services: hosted physically at Acomb Methodist, it is possible to connect in with them via Zoom.

More About Us

We are a busy, community- and family-oriented church, home to lots of activities and a beautiful community garden (do check it out here).  We’d love to welcome you in person, but if you would like to find out more about us first, or are looking for more information on our events and activities, then select from the menus above to find out more about us.

  • Meeting monthly on Saturday evenings!

Thursday Tea To Go

Fran at Tea To Go

Thursday Tea To Go is supporting individuals and family struggling with the cost of living crisis and mental health by providing hot takeaway meals free of charge every Thursday from Acomb Methodist Church. The project is a partnership with Acomb Churches Together and hosted by our church.

For more information, click the info button below.

1st Sundays

For those who would prefer, on the first Sunday of a month Rev Andy will be leading a Zoom bible study at 10:30am as part of his ministry within the Kairos Movement. More details of this can be found on the Kairos website.

Board Game Afternoons

For something more social, why not join us on the first Sunday afternoon during the cooler months (October-April) for our monthly Board Game Afternoons from 4:00-6:00pm. The afternoon and board games are primarily targetted at adults, but we have a selection that the whole family can enjoy.

Community Cinema Relaunch

Our community cinema has relaunched. Check the events page for the next showing. Unfortunately we cannot display the film here for copyright reasons, but do sign up to our mailing list and we’ll email you details, or check out the posters in our foyer.

Community Garden & Net Zero Project

Forming part of our Jubilee Project, over the last ten years we have substantially improved our carbon footprint, as well as developing a Quiet Community garden, with facilities used for Counselling, Spiritual retreats and exploration, and quiet contemplation. It is open to the public during daylight hours. The video below shows a snapshot of its history, as well as our community cafe.

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Online Services

We are now only uploading our Livestreamed services to YouTube on occasion, but you are welcome to join us on Zoom most weeks. Below we include the service from 5th February 2023, which was an Intergenerational Eco service led by members of the church. .

To join us for all the live services online, just use the Zoom details below, or by signing up for our weekly notices. (Do email us as well, as we have to tag you for the various mailing lists!)

You can also join us for a short 10-15 minute prayer on Zoom at 7:30am on a Thursday, using the following link:


Meeting Id: 971 0120 6998

Password: prayers

Below you will see a previous circuit service. You can find other services from the York Methodist Circuit on the YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMZll3vyksFEonZ-EQbbhuQ

To access our own live Zoom on Sunday worship , you need a device with a camera and microphone. You then need to download Zoom, from www.zoom.us and then you’ll need to follow the link below, or type the meeting ID and password into the software to enable the meeting.

We use the following link:

Zoom Linkhttps://zoom.us/j/96502017004
Meeting ID965 0201 7004
PasscodeFor the Passcode please email Rev Andy
Telephone0203 051 2874

Events Calendar


Room Booking Calendar